Monday, December 21, 2015

[VIDEO] George Deeb Teaches Startups How to Build Team & Advisors

Red Rocket's George Deeb recently presented a "How to Build Your Team & Advisors" session for the new class of startups at Founder Institute in Chicago. This video tackles the following topics: How do you find the right team to launch your company? How do you identify the right set of advisors? How do you manage your advisors? What are responsibilities and compensation for advisors? How do you identify the right roles to help you launch a product or offering? Do you expect the roles to change over time? How can recruit people to fill roles when you have limited resources? What metrics do you track when recruiting? Do you need a cofounder? What are some common pitfalls with cofounder? Is a team necessary to launch a company?

Sorry for the poor quality of the video.  But here it is:

George Deeb Teaches Startups How to Build Team and Advisors from Red Rocket Ventures on Vimeo.

And, here is the matching Slideshare to go with the presentation:

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