Thursday, August 15, 2024

The First 100 Days of Onboarding New Employees


You probably have heard the importance of the action plans of the "first 100 days" after a new President takes office or after you begin integrating two companies after a big merger, but I am guessing you haven't heard it applied to your recruiting and onboarding efforts with each of your new staff members. In many marriages, couples date for years before getting married. In contrast, in recruitment, someone can join your organization after only a few hours of interviews, which means you are essentially living and working together from the start of their employment. These "first 100 days" will dictate whether this union will work or not, and how you handle these first few months is critical.

Read the rest of this post in Entrepreneur, which I guest authored this week.

For future posts, please follow me on Twitter at: @georgedeeb.