Monday, December 30, 2013
How to Start a Business in 8 Key Steps
Posted By: George Deeb - 12/30/2013For those of you who have not already started a business, or are trying to figure out how best to start your business, this post will help y...
Monday, December 23, 2013
Lesson #161: Create an "Everyone Sells" Culture
Posted By: George Deeb - 12/23/2013The common fault in the thinking of many entrepreneurs is that revenues will only be driven by the sales team, and the sales team alone....
Thursday, December 19, 2013
[NEWS] Nominations Now Open for the 2014 @Techweek 100
Posted By: George Deeb - 12/19/2013In case you want to nominate any key individuals in Chicago, New York or Los Angeles for the 2014 Techweek 100 lists in each of those cities...
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Is Entrepreneurship Learned, or Wired Into Your DNA?
Posted By: George Deeb - 12/18/2013The age-old question of whether or not good entrepreneurs are born that way, or if such entrepreneurial skill sets can be learned continues ...
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Avoid the "Death Zone" of Venture Capital
Posted By: George Deeb - 12/17/2013Do you have revenues of $5-$10MM and profits under $3MM a year? Are you a company looking to raise outside capital for the first time? If ...
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Top Digital Trends for 2014
Posted By: George Deeb - 12/11/2013The other day, my colleagues at Ensemble , the digital services alliance, were doing our planning for next year. We were discussing the key...
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Red Rocket's Best Startups of 2013
Posted By: George Deeb - 12/10/2013Red Rocket gets introduced to a couple hundred startups each year, in the normal course of doing business, or via our involvement with F...
Friday, December 6, 2013
Business Lessons from NBC's "The Sound of Music Live"
Posted By: George Deeb - 12/06/2013Last night was NBC's live production of "The Sound of Music", one of my favorite musicals. I thought there were a couple inte...
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
How to Model a 10x Return for Investors--The Bare Minimum to Get Their Attention
Posted By: George Deeb - 12/03/2013Most entrepreneurs simply approach venture capitalists asking for money “hat in hand”, without educating the investor on how the investor wi...