Thursday, January 30, 2014
How and Where to Find a Co-Founder for Your Startup
Posted By: George Deeb - 1/30/2014Often times, a startup entrepreneur has a good business idea, but doesn’t know how to build the product or service. Or, the entrepreneur has...
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
What's More Important--Your Product or Proof-of-Concept?
Posted By: George Deeb - 1/29/2014I have had the luxury of meeting over 500 startups at Red Rocket over the last three years. And, typically, most of them approach me at the...
Monday, January 27, 2014
[VIDEO] George Deeb Presents @RedRocketVC & @EnsembleHQ to @MeetAdvisors
Posted By: George Deeb - 1/27/2014Last week, George Deeb had the pleasure of sitting down with Vlad Moldavskiy at MeetAdvisors, a business networking site between startups an...
Friday, January 24, 2014
Should Cash-Strapped Startups Offer Benefits?
Posted By: George Deeb - 1/24/2014In years past, companies of all shapes and sizes needed to offer a good employee-benefits program in order to attract the best candidates. T...
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
When Should a Startup Drive Profits vs. Growth?
Posted By: George Deeb - 1/22/2014This really is not a simple question to answer. There are so many nuances that go into assessing the right answer. What is going on with t...
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Lesson #162: The Benefits of Contributing Content to Other Sites (vs. Your Own Blog)
Posted By: George Deeb - 1/21/2014As most of you know, I not only write for the Red Rocket Blog, but I also contribute entrepreneurial blog posts to Forbes, Wall Street J...
Friday, January 17, 2014
Why Learn Entrepreneurship Starting in Kindergarten
Posted By: George Deeb - 1/17/2014I recently had the honor of presenting to my son’s kindergarten class. His teacher invited me to come tell the kids what I did for a living....
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Is Your Product a "Vitamin" or a "Painkiller"?
Posted By: George Deeb - 1/15/2014Is your startup building a "painkiller" or a "vitamin" for your clients? In order to get their attention and build a siz...
How to Screen a VC Before Taking Their Money
Posted By: George Deeb - 1/15/2014Previously, I shared my definitive checklist for startup success , which included the things a startup needed to accomplish before approachi...
Monday, January 13, 2014
[NEWS] @EnsembleHQ Launches One-Day "Presto" Program for DIY Enterpreneurs
Posted By: George Deeb - 1/13/2014In addition to Ensemble's normal multi-month “startup excubator” program for do-it-for-me entrepreneurs, Ensemble now offers a one-day ...
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
[NEWS] Freebie Chooses Ensemble's "Startup Excubator" to Accelerate Growth
The 5 Reasons Big Companies Struggle With Innovation
Posted By: George Deeb - 1/08/2014As I have been doing startup consulting at Red Rocket, I have also had many executive conversations with several big companies. These comp...
Monday, January 6, 2014
Customer Service Case Study: Had Your Identity Stolen? Hope Thief Didn't Buy Verizon!!
Posted By: George Deeb - 1/06/2014We had an identity theft issue in our family back in September 2013. We were obviously upset by the situation. But, how we learned about i...