If anyone has any pressing questions about your business, Red Rocket's George Deeb will be downtown Chicago tomorrow, Monday April 21st from 2-5pm with some time to kill between other meetings. If interested, George will be holding a last minute office hours session at the food court on the 2nd floor of the Merchandise Mart in Chicago.
To express your interest in meeting with George, please send an email to us via the contact form on our website. In such email, summarize your business, size, stage, needs, budgets or other relevant information about yourself, your business and your challenges. If George can add you to his schedule, he will reply with a good time to meet in the above range. Based on the volume of leads, George may not be able to meet with all of you, and apologizes ahead of time, if he can't fit you into his schedule. If you do not hear back from George, assume he was unable to meet with you.
For future posts, please follow Red Rocket on Twitter: @RedRocketVC.