Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Chicago Private Equity Firms

Posted By: George Deeb - 7/27/2016


& Comment

In addition to our list of Chicago Venture Capital Firms and Chicago Family Investment Offices, here is a list of Chicago Private Equity Firms investing in later stage companies. I included a high-level summary of their investment criteria, as communicated on their websites.

Adams Street Partners (tech & healthcare, $27BN managed, $5-$25MM checks)

Aldine Capital Partners (generalist, $2-$15MM checks, $10MM+ revs, $2MM+ EBITDA)

Alpha Capital (mfg. & dist., $135MM managed, $500K-$5MM checks, $15-$100MM revs)

Anderson Pacific (telecom & infrastructure, $1-$50MM checks, $2-$10MM EBITDA)

Arbor Investments (food & beverage, $5-$50MM EBITDA, up to $300MM revs)

Baird Capital Partners (healthcare, industrial, tech & services, up to $150MM revs, $3-$10MM EBITDA, $25-$50MM checks, $300MM managed)

Beecken Petty O'Keefe & Company  (healthcare, $1.4BN managed, over $5MM EBITDA)

Benford Capital (CPG, industrial, services & dist., over $1MM EBITDA, over $3MM revs)

Beverly Capital (healthcare & biz services, $2-$8MM EBITDA)

Bounds Equity Partners (bldg mat., biz svs., CPG, dist. & mfg, $100MM mgd, over $1MM EBITDA)

Bridge Investments (biz svs., SaaS, cons., mfg,, health, up to $10MM checks, up to $5MM EBITDA)

Chicago Capital Partners (svs., CPG, dist., educ., & mfg., $2-$10MM checks, $1-$5MM EBITDA)

Chicago Venture Partners (tech/comm, media/ent, energy, CPG, biotech/pharma, up to $3MM check)

CIVC Partners (biz svs. & financial svs., $1.5BN managed, $5MM+ EBITDA, $15-$85MM checks)

CJM Ventures (small-to-middle market, mfg., dist. biz svs., fin svs.)

CM Acquisitions (industrial & transport infrastructure, up to $15MM EBITDA, up to $250MM revs)

Cressey & Company (healthcare, $1BN managed, up to $50MM checks)

Cognitive Capital Partners (mfg, biz svs, data, consumer, $3-$15MM EBITDA, $5-$50MM checks)

Dixon Midland (ecomm, health, energy/agric svs, CPG, biz svs, $4MM+ EBITDA, $25-$100MM valuation)

DN Partners (mfg, dist. & services, $20-$100MM revenues, $20-$100MM valuation)

D'Orazio Capital Partners (mfg., log., supply, svs., & oil, $10-$30MM revs, $1.5-$3MM EBITDA)

Driehaus Private Equity (energy, media, services & mfg., $5-$50MM revs, $1-$30MM checks, $3MM+ EBITDA)

Dunrath Capital (infrastructure)

Edgewater Funds ($2.4BN managed, $20-$500MM revs)

Flexpoint Ford (financial svs. & healthcare, up to $200MM checks)

Frontenac Company (food, services, & industrial, $3-$20MM EBITDA, to $250MM valuation)

Fulton Capital (dist., mfg., & biz svs., $10-$100M revs, $2-10MM EBITDA)

Geneva Glen Capital (biz svs., CPG, environment, educ., health, mfg., media, dist., $3-$20MM EBITDA, up to $50MM check, under $100MM valuation)

Glencoe Capital (generalists, $3-$15MM EBITDA, over $7MM checks, Michigan focus)

Grand Crossing Capital (CPG & retail, $5-$25MM checks, $2-$10MM EBITDA)

Granite Creek Partners (food/agric., med. devices, transport., $10-$50MM checks, $5MM+ EBITDA, $25-$150MM valuation)

Growth Catalyst Partners (information, marketing, tech-enabled services, $3-$7MM EBITDA)

GTCR (fin. svs., tech, media, telecom, health, biz svs., upper middle-market)

Hadley Capital (mfg., dist., & biz svs., $5-$30MM revs, $1-3MM EBITDA)

Hand Capital (financial services & manufacturing, small businesses)

HCP & Company (consumer, education  & healthcare, $10MM+ revs, $5-$30MM checks, profitable)

Heico Companies (mfg., dist., & services, $30MM+ revenues)

Hennessy Capital (ind., mfg., dist., services, $500MM-$1BN valuations)

High Street Capital (biz svs., mfg., dist., & health, up to $100MM revs, up to $15MM EBITDA)

Hughes & Company (healthcare, $2-$20MM checks, up to $10MM EBITDA)

Industrial Innovation Partners (industrial, oil, tech, & health, $1-20MM EBITDA, $5-$100MM valuation)

Industrial Opportunity Partners  (mfg. & dist., $30-$350MM revs, $5-$50MM check, $460MM mgd)

Inoca Capital Partners (biz svs., consumer & mfg., $1-$8MM EBITDA)

JZ Partners (mfg., dist., ind., health, educ., trans., biz svs., up to $200MM valuation, $1BN mgd).

JVA Partners (home decor, industrial storage, IoT technology, $25-$150MM revs, $5-$25MM check)

Keystone Capital (prof./biz svs., industrial tech/mfg. & consumer/food, $4MM+ EBITDA)

Lake Capital (biz svs., cons. svs., fin svs., & health, $50-$75MM checks)

Lake Pacific Partners (food/bev., CPG, cons. svs., dist., & biz svs., $25-$250MM revs)

LaSalle Capital (food/bev. & biz svs., $10-$100MM revs, $2MM+ EBITDA, $5-20MM checks)

Linden Capital Partners (healthcare, $1.3BN managed)

Madison Dearborn Partners (industrial, biz. svs., consumer, fin. svs., health, telecom, media, tech svs., $18BN mgd, new growth stage B2B tech fund cutting $75-$100MM checks)

Madison Industries (filtration, medical, & industrial, strong cash flow, global focus, up to $250MM)

Maranon Capital (biz svs., consumer, health, dist., & mfg., $2BN mgd, $5-$50MM EBITDA)

McNally Capital (food/bev, biz svs., logistics, mfg, & health, $5-$25MM EBITDA)

Merit Capital Partners (mfg.., dist, & biz svs., $25MM+ revs, $5MM+ EBITDA, $15MM+ checks, $1.7BN mgd.)

Mesirow Financial (generalist, $4.5BN mgd., co-invest with professional funds)

Mid Oaks Investments (mfg., biz svs., & dist., $25-$250MM revs)

Midwest Mezzanine Funds (generalist, $750MM mgd., $3MM+ EBITDA, $4-$15MM checks)

MVC Capital (CPG, food, dist., mfg. & fin. svs., $10-$150MM revs, $3-$25MM EBITDA, $3-$25MM checks)

New Harbor Capital (health, education & biz svs., $3-15MM EBITDA, $10-$30MM checks)

North American Funds (mfg., food/bev., medical, consumer, dist., biz svs., educ. & fin. svs., $5-$40MM revs, $500K-$5MM EBITDA)

One Eighty Capital (generalist, $5-$50MM valuation, $0-$10MM EBITDA)

One Equity Partners (health, fin. svs., mfg., tech, travel, energy, food, media & consumer, $11BN mgd, $150MM average check)

Parallel49 Equity (mfg., biz svs. & dist., $5-$25MM EBITDA, $1BN managed)

Parker Gale (technology, $2-$6MM EBITDA)

Periscope Equity (tech-enabled biz svs., $10-$40MM revs, $2-$5MM EBITDA, $10-$30MM valuation, $5-$15MM checks)

Pfingsten Partners (mfg., dist. & biz svs., $15-$100MM valuation, $20-$150MM revs, $3-12MM EBITDA)

Plenary Partners (health, tech, mfg. & life sciences, $1MM+ EBITDA)

Polestar Capital (technology, smaller companies)

PPM America (consumer, energy, dist., health, educ., tech, mfg. & biz svs., $6BN mgd, $5-$25MM checks, $30-$300MM valuation)

Prairie Capital (biz svs., industrial, CPG, educ., fin. svs. & health, $20-$100MM revs, $4-$12MM EBITDA)

Prism Capital (industrial up to $7MM checks; tech, health, mfg. & biz svs. up to $3MM co-invest checks)

Promus Equity Partners (CPG, food/bev., industrial, special materials, dist. & biz svs., EBITDA up to $15MM)

Prospect Partners (mfg., dist. & services, $10-$75MM revs)

Range Light (active lifestyle, natural foods & tech svs., $1-$20MM check, $1-$30MM revs)

Red Arts Capital (industrial, biz svs., CPG, dist., mfg., food/bev., health & medical devices, up to $75MM revs)

Right Lane Capital (generalist, $3-$20MM EBITDA)

RiverGlade Capital (healthcare, $3MM+ EBITDA)

Rock Gate Partners (biz svs., consumer, dist., food & industrial, $3-20MM checks, $10-$75MM valuation, $10-$100MM revs)

Rock Island Capital (mfg., dist., & svs., up to $100MM valuation, $10-$100MM revs)

RoundTable Healthcare Partners (med. devices, pharma & healthcare, $2.75BN managed)

SE Capital (biz svs. & gov. svs., $5-$50MM revenues)

Sheridan Capital Partners (healthcare & consumer, $20-$150MM valuation, $10-$30MM checks)

Shore Capital Partners (healthcare, $5-$50MM revs, $1-$5MM EBITDA)

Shorehill Capital (industrial & distribution, $25-$100MM valuations)

Silver Oak Services Partners (biz svs., cons. svs. & health, $10-$30MM checks, $15-$150MM revs, $3-$20MM EBITDA)

Skyline Global Partners (health, mfg., biz svs., software, CPG, food/bev/agric., & oil/gas, $10-$100M checks, $10-$100MM revs, $2-$15MM EBITDA)

Sterling Partners (biz svs., education & healthcare, $25-$125MM checks, $10-$30MM EBITDA)

Stockwell Capital (generalist, $3-$15MM co-invest checks, $50-$500MM valuation)

Svoboda Capital Partners (dist., biz svs., cons. svs. & CPG, $25-$100MM valuation, $10-$25MM checks, $10-$100MM revs, $3-$15MM EBITDA)

Synetro Group (B2B tech, biz svs. & mfg., $8-$50MM revs, $0-$3MM EBITDA, $1-$4MM checks, under $50MM valuation)

The Pritzker Group (mfg., services, health, food, cons., industrial, transport, medical and pharma, $100-$750MM valuation)

Thoma Bravo (enterprise, infrastructure tech, security tech and tech-enabled biz svs., $20MM+ EBITDA, $100-$750MM checks)

Thurston Group (healthcare/practice mgt., technology, services and telecom, $3BN managed)

Traverse Pointe Partners (biz svs., bldg. prods., fin. svs., mfg., industrial, media, telecom, packaging, retail, CPG, transport & dist., up to $6MM in EBITDA, $10MM+ revs)

Turnout Capital (biz svs., mfg., logistics, $1-$3MM in EBITDA)

Tyree and D'Angelo Partners (health, cons., agric., biz svs., $1-$5MM EBITDA, under $50MM revs)

Valor Equity Partners (cons., infrastructure, industrial & mfg., $10-30MM checks)

Water Street (healthcare, $50-$500MM checks)

Waterside Capital Partners (ind., CPG, food, mfg. & biz svs., $3-$25MM checks, $25-$150MM revs)

Waud Capital Partners (generalist, $50-$100MM checks)

Waveland Investments (mfg., dist. & services, $10MM+ revs, $1-$8MM EBITDA)

Willis Stein & Partners (infrastructure, mfg. & education, $30-$500MM valuation, $3BN mgd)

Wind Point Partners (industrial, CPG & biz svs., $30-$150MM check, $10MM+ EBITDA)

Winona Capital (CPG, retail & cons. svs., $10-$100MM revs, $1MM+ EBITDA, $10-$30MM check)

Woodlawn Partners (mfg., bldg. svs., tech, fin. svs., food/bev., transport & dist., $5MM+ revs, $1MM+ EBITDA)

Wynnchurch Capital (mfg., transport, biz svs., dist., energy, ind. & metals, $50MM-$1BN revs, $5-$100MM checks)

Be sure to dig deeper on their websites to make sure they invest in your specific industry, revenue stage, geography and desired minority/majority deal structure before reaching out to these investors. Red Rocket can help make introductions to many of these investors, so please leverage our relationships here.

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