Friday, June 7, 2024

Trying to Scale Your Startup? The Odds Are Not in Your Favor!

Posted By: George Deeb - 6/07/2024

My colleague and serial entrepreneur, Scot Wingo , of ChannelAdvisor, Spiffy and Triangle Tweener Fund fame, recently posted on LinkedIn, ho...

My colleague and serial entrepreneur, Scot Wingo, of ChannelAdvisor, Spiffy and Triangle Tweener Fund fame, recently posted on LinkedIn, how hard it was to scale a business.  He referenced data from a book by Verne Harnish, the founder of Entrepreneur’s Organization, called Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It . . . and Why the Rest Don’t.  The core of the story was this graphic:

What the graphic basically says is, of the 28,000,000 businesses in the United States, only 0.061% actually get larger than $50MM in revenues.  And 96% of all businesses, never get larger than $1MM in revenues.  I was so taken back by the data here, that I thought it was worthy of a deeper discussion.

Read the rest of this post on Entrepreneur, which I guest authored this week.

For future posts, please follow me on Twitter at: @georgedeeb@georgedeeb.

Monday, June 3, 2024

[VIDEO] A 'Fresh Set of Eyes' Can Help Turnaround Struggling Businesses

Posted By: George Deeb - 6/03/2024

I was recently interviewed by  ASBN , an online "television network" serving the small business community, about how a "fresh...

I was recently interviewed by ASBN, an online "television network" serving the small business community, about how a "fresh set of eyes", can help turn around struggling business.  As you will learn, sometimes the founders are simply too close to the business, to clearly see the "forest through the trees".  I thought this video turned out great, and I wanted to share it with all of you, to see if a fresh set of eyes can help your business.  If so, you know who to call.  I hope you like it!!

The embedded video player didn't give me the option to change the size of this video.  But, if you want to see a bigger version, simply click the expand size button in the player above.

Thanks again to Jim Fitzpatrick, Shyann Malone and the ASBN team for having me on the show.  I look forward to our next interview together.

For future posts, please follow me on Twitter at: @georgedeeb.

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